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Information pages
Information page
NCB - Nordic Copyright Bureau
NCB, Nordisk Copyright Bureau, is tasked with safeguarding the rights of music creators during recording, copying and distributing protected music and lyrics on CD, vinyl, DVD, Internet etc.
Information page
Svensk Musik – a Stim Subsidiary
Svensk Musik is a Stim subsidiary with the task to document and inform about copyright-protected Swedish music.
Information page
Our assignment
We are tasked by our members to monitor their economic rights according to the Swedish Copyright Act, when it comes to their music being recorded, played publicly, downloaded and streamed.
Information page
STIM's history
Milestones in the history of STIM.
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The STIM process
How does STIM work? Here is a description of the process from licence to distribution.
Information page
International cooperation
STIM cooperates with corresponding organisations in other countries. This means that anyone whose music is played abroad can be remunerated.
Information page
ICE - the jointly owned licensing and processing hub
Ice is the joint venture of STIM, PRS for Music and GEMA.
Information page
Become a member
Writers, composers and music publishers affiliated to STIM can also apply to become members. As a member you can attend and vote at STIM's annual general meeting (AGM), where important decisions about STIM are made.
Information page
Contact STIM
You will find most answers under Find an answer. But if you want to contact us directly, our contact information is available here.
Information page
The STIM organisation
STIM is a Swedish collective management organisation for music creators and publishers.
Information page
STIM's Statutes
For Föreningen Svenska Tonsättares Internationella Musikbyrå, STIM, u.p.a. Adopted at the annual general meeting held on May 28, 2024.
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Support to music creators
STIM contributes to a diverse Swedish cultural life, through scholarships and support for copyright-protected music projects.
Information page
This is STIM
STIM is a Swedish collective management organization for music creators and publishers. On their behalf, STIM administers and licenses performing and mechanical rights to music and lyrics.