Logged Live Music

Concerts of primarily popular music and other performances where the music is reported. In terms of the number of performances, this is STIM's largest live music category.

Listed as Distribution Category 05 in the royalty statement from STIM.

Where does the money come from?

The parties who organise concerts, festivals and other performances pay royalties to STIM.

How is the music reported?

Artists, creators, publishers and concert promoters submit music reports to STIM.

How is the money distributed?

The sums generated by the performances are distributed between the music reported. A supplementary amount may at times be added for past performances for which STIM did not previously receive full payment.

When is the money paid?

Twice a year (June and December). Each payment includes what was played during the previous six months.

How can I file a claim/complaint?

Log into My Pages and complete the form  "Liveframföranden i Sverige" (Live performances in Sweden) under Claim.  A claim must be filed within three months of receiving the royalty information from STIM.